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Lun-Sáb: 8am a 5pm


Centro de bienestar del anciano de Sopó


Bienvenidos al Centro de Bienestar del Anciano de Sopó Raúl Ramírez Forero, un hogar para los adultos mayores que ofrece atención profesional y brinda bienestar y estabilidad física y emocional.

Un completo equipo gerontológico ofrece y suministra la atención y los cuidados y necesidades de cada adulto, que contribuyen a proporcionarles una mejor calidad de vida en un ambiente sano, tranquilo, cálido y familiar.

Fundador: Raúl Ramírez Forero
Presidente Junta Directiva: Raúl Manuel Ramírez Rodríguez
Director: Daniel Rodríguez Prieto

Lo que la gente dice


I cannot thank you enough for your understanding and support through some difficult times. I would highly recommend your company to anyone. Your company has made our life easier.

Katie Elliott

Katie Elliott

37 years

I was visiting a number of assisted living facilities last month, and was really impressed by the knowledge of this one. They have nurses on staff in addition to normal caregivers.

Renee Sherman

Renee Sherman

37 years

The team of professional caretakers have helped us to improve many aspects of our life, social life included. The personal assistant works hard and knows what they are doing. Thank you.

Jay Lian

Jay Lian

37 years